This website does not replace going to see a medical professional in person.

Read on………………


This website is designed to inform you, to help you explore reasons for anxiety and to teach you what you can do to treat and prevent anxiety. It is also designed to guide you through anxiety and out towards a thriving lifestyle. Also it’s to help you discover the services that I provide as an accredited Cognitive Behavioral Therapy Practitioner, Holistic Anxiety Coach and former sufferer of GAD and agoraphobia.

However, it cannot replace seeing and spending time with a medical professional.

This website cannot replace

  • A human conversation

  • A medical check up

  • A blood test

  • An eye test

  • A referral to other services

  • An honest chat

Some of the reasons for stress response can be

  • A treatable symptom or illness that is causing you stress

  • A treatable vitamin and mineral deficiency causing symptoms that are causing you stress

  • A treatable eyesight issue causing you dizziness causing you stress

  • A stressful situation that is causing you stress

  • Too much time on doctor google causing you to believe you are experiencing something much worse, causing you fear, causing you anxiety.

So, it is a good idea to have a check up with your doctor or nurse and the very first thing I would encourage you to do, is?

Get an appointment with a doctor or nurse as soon as you can. If you are afraid to go and see someone because you are worried they will give you bad news, I understand. I was there, afraid for 6 months, avoiding the doctor and it was the main reason my anxiety and panic evolved into phobias of everything, the unknown was scaring me, avoiding was causing me more fear and anxiety.

Eventually I was so tired of being afraid to go, I went. And actually the benefits were huge. I could have an honest chat, the relief I found after just spitting out what I had been going through was calming. I also got a check up, a blood test, etc, because there are many simple reasons you could be experiencing ‘anxiety type symptoms’ that could be causing you anxiety or worrying you and causing fear and anxiety.

I found out I was experiencing panic, I was in need of Magnesium and got a referral to a CBT therapist. It was also a massive first step to feeling better by speaking and telling another how I really felt.

So get on the phone and book an appointment. If you think or feel you do not click with your doctor, try not to stop yourself finding another.

The internet, social media, cannot replace going to see a doctor, nurse, health professional in person.


The anxiety wellbeing coach.