

Allow yourself 5 minutes to read this below, press play & practice

Calm can feel almost impossible when our body and mind is experiencing our stress response, anxiety. The stress response process is stress hormones like adrenaline and cortisol pumping around our body, muscles are tense, and our mind is experiencing a negative focus. These are symptoms of anxiety. The first thing you can do is begin to counteract the body’s natural stress response. We never try to fight it because that is a sign to the mind and body there really could be a real danger, and causes more stress response. You can counteract the stress hormones, tension and fearful focus by practising this exercise. It may feel difficult at first because when we decide to just stop, the stress hormones are still flowing through us, they take time to pass through and slow to a stop. Plus the mind needs to get a sense that you are safe before the thoughts start to become clearer. Try not to let a thought like ‘this feels impossible’ stop you from trying & completing the exercise.

The first thing I’d like you to take away from this is, if you focus on trying this exercise, listening to the sounds, and allow any thoughts during this exercise to pass by without reacting to them, the body begins to slow the stress hormones like turning a dimmer switch down slowly, then the body calms and the mind follows.

You wont know how this works or feels unless you give it some faith and try. Experiment!

  • Right now, stop what you are doing.

  • Turn off all distractions.

  • If you are with children, give them something safe to do for 10. mins

  • Put on head phones if you need.

  • Sit up straight or lay down, get comfortable.

  • Let your shoulders, back, neck, head relax down into the chair or bed.

  • Place your hand gently on your tummy, release any tension in your tummy.

  • Take a deep breath in comfortably to fill your tummy & to your lungs.

  • Blow the air out of your mouth and release any tension on the exhale.

  • Notice any tension around your eyes, shoulders, jaw, tongue.

  • As you release the tension on the exhale, allow yourself to melt into the chair.

  • For the next 5 minutes+ keep taking long comfortable breaths. in and out.

  • You may notice your heart rate to be strong at first, that’s ok, that’s a sign there are stress hormones present and you are in need of this, you are counteracting any stress.

  • You will notice that your heart rate slowly calms as you counteract.

  • If you notice some fearful thoughts, that’s ok, they are a symptom of our mind and body thinking it is not safe. It will pass. as we focus on the practice and counteract the stress.

  • Speak kindly to yourself “I am safe, I will slowly feel calmer soon.” When you do, the fear passes.

  • Invest 5-10 mins, to look and engage with the beach image above, imagine you are sitting here at this calm, peaceful beach, listening to the waves.

Well done, you’ve just practised a way to counteract the stress response. By taking a mini break getaway.

Congratulate yourself for your efforts. After I invite you to continue reading below.


When was the last time you allowed yourself to take regular breaks?

I mean got away from the internet, the phone, the messages, the doing, the forward thinking, the worry. If it’s next to never, that is a cause for anxiety.

Why? Because, being on the-go, mentally and physically most of the time, will cause your body to be tense, to be experiencing a lot of steady adrenaline, you won’t be getting a full relaxed breath, your mind will be on a train going faster and faster. You are not a machine, you are a human that has needs.

  • If you left a plant with no sun and water, what would happen? It would wilt and die. Would you blame the plant for reacting this way?

  • If you didn’t feed and water your pet and put it out to work, what would happen? Your pet would be sad, and sick. Would you blame the pet for reacting to these conditions?

  • If you only focus on work, doing, and tell yourself a break isn’t possible, what will happen? Your body and mind will sense a danger to your health and wellbeing and start the stress response, anxiety. Try not to blame your body for reacting.

It is right to respond, it is a warning that you are a human and you have needs, you can’t keep telling yourself “it’s ok, I can live like this.”

If you don’t pick a time to give your mind and body what it needs, it will pick it for you.

One of the things you need is regular breaks, to replenish yourself with a full breath, to relax your muscles, to give your mind a break, to rest. This will help counteract the stress hormones, tension and the negative focus. Then you will be more able to look at what the other causes are. There are many reasons for anxiety that combined are causing us to react. Then once you know what they are you can tackle them, in order to prevent high anxiety instead of just treating the symptoms. No longer surviving but thriving.

Below you can find out about

Firstly : What is the very first thing you can do?

Anxiety and what it is : Gain a better understanding of your mind and body, plus reduces fear

Well-being how? : Explore what your needs are are how to look after them, to counteract and prevent high anxiety.

Services : Discover available coaching mediums, via one-to-one, printable download workbooks and an upcoming online practical course.

It’s perfectly normal for you to be unaware of what you need to help you reduce anxiety, or to be in need of some understanding & guidance. That doesn’t mean you have been failing, doing anything wrong or that you are not capable. Everyone is capable! That includes you. It means that maybe you have never been shown, or maybe have never seen how to before and are in need of some help to get there. Or that you are telling yourself that you can’t and believing that thought or that you have become very afraid of anxiety and are unable to break the anxiety fear circle. So I am glad you are here.

Take 5 minutes to find out what is the first thing you can do to help yourself?

What is the anxiety stress response? Fear is a cause of anxiety & panic, understanding what it is will help prevent anxiety being feeling so fearful and overwhelming. Gain more insight & release fear.

Explore how to give your mind and body what it needs, to treat and prevent anxiety. To be a well human being instead of a stressed human doing/surviving.

Discover the available services to guide you through the anxiety experience and out of it.

To be able to manage anxiety, less focused on anxiety & more able to focus on the things you really would like in your life and actively working towards them.